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Public Safety Power Shutdowns – An Upside?
In light of the relatively recent wildland fire epidemic in California and elsewhere, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) the largest Cali investor owned utility (IOU) has filed for bankruptcy. The Governor is calling for greater energy accountability,...
Solar Tax Credit Update
Hello Renewable Energy Enthusiasts- I thought I would take this opportunity to briefly summarize the upcoming Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) restructuring at the end of 2019 and beyond. Currently, both residential and commercial (utility scale) solar electric and...
Your home and the facts about going solar: An Interview with Dan Felperin
Tell us a little bit about your company and the services you offer. FRESH Energy Systems designs, sells and installs solar electric (photovoltaic-PV) and hot water technologies for homes and businesses. Our goal is to educate and empower the customer so that over time...
Solar Power to the People
Where crowdfunding meets Wall Street, a new model for financing solar Could we interest you in investing in the clean energy revolution? The annual return is 4.5 percent or above, and you can get in for as little as $25. So goes the pitch from the San Francisco–based...
Smart meters and high fuel prices
I believe that we Californians continue to have an opportunity to lead the US in withdrawing from our fossil fuel addiction and transitioning to national energy independence. Here’s how. Smart Meters- Many electricity customers are concerned about these wireless...