Peters’ Principles
Applied To
Safety Excellence
Daniel Felperin CIH, CSP
Training Concepts
“In Search of Excellence”
Lessons from America's Best Run Companies: written in 1982 by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman, two organizational management consultants who conducted their research and fieldwork under a contract sponsored by McKinsey and Company.
- Basics of Organizational Effectiveness
- Survey Select Companies
- Categories of Companies:
- High Tech
- Consumer Goods
- General Industrial Goods
- Service-Oriented
- Project Management
- Eight (8) Basic Characteristics...
Bias for Action
- Business Preference for Doing Something
- Avoid "Analysis to Paralysis" Syndrome
- Chunking - Small Manageable Steps
- Positive & Supportive Attitude (Learning Experiences)
- Focus on Tangible Results Immediately
- Build Momentum through Small Successes
- Simplify Systems (Adhoc Devices)
Close to the Customer
- Service, Quality & Reliability
- Customers as Partners
- Service Problems as "Real-Time" Issues
- Niche Innovation Driven by the Market
- Involve Potential End-Users in Design & Test Marketing
- Value Employee/Customer Contact
Autonomy & Entrepreneurship
- Company Heroes Embodied through Myths, Stories, Anecdotes
- Scrounging Prototypes
- Organizational Culture Supports Many Experiments
- Service-Orientation Towards New Products
- Product Champions, Mentors & Godfathers
- Business Setting Conducive to Experimentation
- Reward Innovation & Persistence
- Absence of Paperwork / Over Planning
- Internal Competition / Parallel Experiments
Productivity Through People
- The Reason Managers Manage is People!
- The Primary Source of Potential Productivity Gains
- A Japanese Management Philosophy States: "innovation and improvement must come from the genba ('where the action is')"
- Simple Systems, Peer Pressure & Metrics
- Small is Productive
- On-Going Communication & Feedback
- Positive Reinforcement Preferred to Monetary Incentives
Hands-On / Value-Driven
- Day-to-Day Behavior
- Convey Values
- Institutional Survival is Based on Maintaining Values & Distinctive Identity
- Qualitative Rather than Quantitative Values
- Inspire and Motivate People at the Very Bottom of the Organization
- Fundamental Values
- Belief in Being the Best
- Belief in People as Individual Innovators
- Belief in Economic Growth & Profits
Stick to the Knitting
- Non-Directed Diversification is a Losing Proposition
- Managing Product Adaptation Around the Core Business Skill
- Internally Generated Diversification One Manageable Step at a Time
- Acquire and Diversity Experimentally but Consistently Stay within their Values
- "Never acquire any businesses that you don't know how to run"
� Robert Wood Johnson (Co-Founder of J&J)
Simple Form / Lean Staff
- Keep Things Understandable (K-I-S-S)
- Narrow Focus with Clear Primacy
- Push Authority Far Down the Line Preserving Autonomy
- Flatter Organization with Less Middle
- Hands-On Management Style (MBWA)
Simultaneous Loose-Tight Properties
- "Loose-Tight" Concept Gives People Plenty of Rope
- Autonomy Results from Adherence to Shared Values
- Rules Revolve Around Quality, Service, Innovation & Experimentation
- Simultaneous Loose-Tight Properties a "Zen-Like" Paradox
- Lower Costs, Improved Efficiency & Sustained Profitability Follow from Adopting an Excellent Management Philosophy
The Principles of Excellence Applied To Safety Culture Interventions

Waiting To Be Motivated
- Driven by Dualism
- Simplicity vs. Complexity
- Positive Reinforcement (Suckers for Praise)
- Action, Meaning, Self-Control
- Inspirational Leadership (Stir Emotion, Build Confidence, Shape Values)

Introducing X-Cellence...
Safe Cycle 2000 Model

- Eight (Excellent) Characteristics Become a Template for Success
- Management Team Buy-In to Experiment
- Safety Program Effectiveness Influenced by Culture
- Infusing Principles of Excellence Provides a Venue for Positive Change
- The Safe Cycle 2000 Model Offers One integrated Approach
- Dynamic Working Environments Allow People to Reach Their Full Potential

First Responder Environmental Safety & Health
FRESH Training Concepts
P.O. Box 755
Cobb, California 95426